Project info

Wine gift

My role

UX design

UI design

3D visuals

Design challenge

Create a webshop where the product consists of multiple steps. The flow should be clear, but also flexible. Users have to able to edit their decisions at any time. Also, the user has to get an impression of how the physical product will look.

A young entrepreneur with a niche gift idea contacted me for a website design. His product and service is to deliver custom-made, handcrafted wine boxes with exquisite wines for special occasions.

The first challenge was to give the user an impression of the look and feel of the actual wooden box. In this design the user can see the box and type his or her message on the lid. This way the user gets a close representation of how the box is going to be made.

The next step was to create a clear flow through ordering a wine gift. The user shouldn't feel trapped along the way,though. After customizing the box and selecting the wine there is still ways to edit the gift.

Landing page where user gets introduced to the product and flow.

Here the user can customize a handcrafted wooden wine box.

After creating the message on the box a wine can be selected.

The gift is ready to be shipped. Delivery details are asked here.

The last step is payment and it's finished. A special gift in just a few steps.